While playing in her first collegiate (Troy University) softball game.  Audra Thompson (Noah’s Cousin) is wearing her “Noah’s Heroes” wristband.  Thank you Uncle Jon for the fantastic action shot.Continue Reading

We have known from the start that there was a day when Noah would lose his hair.  Over the last week, the hair has started to fall out.  It wasContinue Reading

Today is Friday, Feb 12th.  The day after Chemo.  Noah woke up talking like an auctioneer.  It was all about food!  The effects of the steroid he is taking.  GinaContinue Reading

Noah’s appointment at the clinic went well. His numbers are looking really good. I’m so happy and so proud of him. He is literally amazing!! He goes next Thursday forContinue Reading

Thursdays are typically the days we all dread.  Thursdays are chemo days and today was no different.  Noah went in for his treatment which normally starts with blood tests andContinue Reading

The Jones FamilyHey Noah, We have known your mom for many years and we know this is tough on you and your family. We will continue to pray for you.Continue Reading