Noah’s CBC numbers were good.

Noah’s CBC numbers were good. They are slowly going up, which is good. As long as we continue to do what we are doing with keeping the home sanitized and limiting exposure of germs/covid into our home…Noahs body will continue to do well with his treatment. We won’t find out if the chemo is killing the cancer cells until the 29th day of treatment, but I’m staying very positive that the chemo is working!
Noah’s hair started falling out today in pretty good amounts. He was worried people will make fun of him if he becomes bald. I reassured him that would not happen and he also has some pretty cool hats. That seemed to put him at ease. You can see in the photo his hair is thinning out.
He has some motion sickness with walking and driving in the car. The nurse said that should subside within a few weeks and continue with his Zofran. Keep those prayers coming, they are working!!
We are waiting for his McDonald’s kids meal now, and he will update you soon!