Noah the Leukemia Warrior

6/29/2021 Well not the news we wanted to hear today. Noah’s numbers were all low. His ANC was only 560 which means he is on a week hold. His ANCContinue Reading

The Amazing Noah has had a tough morning today. Leaving for his InPatient treatments

6/29/2021 Emotional morning for Noah (as you can tell from the photo). He’s not looking forward to being inpatient. I am hoping it’s just overnight. Nothing like being in yourContinue Reading

Noah and his water balloons

Noah had a pretty good day today. He went out and got a bit of fresh air! He was a little off balance today with his legs being so weakContinue Reading

Sleeping peacefully

Well so far so good! I gave Noah 2 zarbees melatonin gummies. I sprayed some lavender on his pillows and rubbed him from top to bottom with lavender lotion. IContinue Reading

An amazing bond!

Noah’s still having difficulty sleeping with his hip and arm pain. I put some bio-freeze on to help him and Tylenol. Ava is cuddling with him and trying to helpContinue Reading

Noah's Hair starting to grow back

Noah went to bed complaining of hip pain again and also saying he had pain in both arms. I was told that the steroids could be causing the bone pain…butContinue Reading

Tough day on our Prince

6/21/2021 Noah had a really rough night last night. He had some bad hip pain again. He was super thirsty and up urinating most of the evening. He was soContinue Reading