Dad and his warrior on proceedure day.

This could be BAD!

We’ll,  Here we are.  Week 19.  This is when Noah will begin his next phase.  Delayed Intensification.  My wife “Gina” knows all about this phase.  She has researched it on the web and talked about it in some of the support groups she is in.  Let me talk about some of the stuff our little Warrior will be going thru.

  • Clinic visits with two or three rounds of chemo

  • More steroid’s and larger doses

  • Heart monitoring to make sure they are not damaging his heart.

  • RED DEVIL chemo (May make him poop red, pee red, and even cry red tears!

Some of the rounds of chemo they must monitor him standing by with an EpiPen  in case his heart quits!  There will be nausea and grumpiness and tears.  He will loose his appetite and have increasing periods where he just does not want to do anything.  His immune system will again be destroyed and we must keep him in a complete (sterile) bubble.  No visitors, constant hand washing, spraying Lysol on his bedding and any area he sits, plays or rests. His bedding is washed every couple of days and he has to brush his teeth at least twice a day.  The Chemo is hard on his teeth.   This phase will last for 8 weeks.  Noah will take twice the amount of steroids he took back in weeks (Three, Four Five & Six).  He will have 7 days on and 7 days off the steroids.  God help us and this warrior of ours.