Out of Surgery and back in his room.

Noah is out of recovery and up in his room!!
Everything went well. Port is placed and picc line is out. LP with IT (chemo) was done while
He was under.
Now he is resting and we’re waiting for oral chemo and VinCHRIStine (chemo) through port to be given. Observe him throughout the day and fingers crossed he feels ok, things go the way they should and he can be discharged late tonight!
He says his port placement is sore. Which will be tender for a few days.
Other than that…he isn’t happy he’s in a gown, he isn’t happy he can’t eat until
He drinks liquids first and he is not happy I forgot his crystal hot sauce in our bag lol
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. As soon as he wakes up, I will be sure to read them all to him..!!