Going through old photos on my desktop…only to find Noah’s famous “Superman” poses that I have always loved of him….never realizing that one day this pose would mean something totally different to me today!
The last photo is his TRUE Superman photo! It speaks for itself! He is a superhero!
He is truly so brave! Watching him fight this battle of leukemia…has taught me so much! How resilient he is. How brave he is! How positive he is in this situation! His attitude of “let’s just do this and get this leukemia over with”….allowing the doctors and nurses to do what needs to be done without any tears or crying!!
A true superhero in my eyes! I get so emotional just thinking about what his little body has endured so far…and thinking of how long this battle is for him! I cry often but never in front of him! Truly a parents worse nightmare!
But one thing is for sure…..he has made me stronger on my weak days! His words of wisdom at 6 years old really inspires me to have strength emotionally to help him through this! He gives me a new outlook on life! He is simply amazing! He owns my heart!! He is and always will be my one and only baby boy! 

Thank you for allowing us to share our boy and his journey with you all..! You have helped make Noah feel so very special..!!