Noah’s Parade!

Where do I begin?

THANK YOU!!!  To everyone!!!  and THANK YOU again.

I knew about the parade,  I was sure it would be a good thing for Noah.  IT WAS A GREAT THING!  Not only for Noah but for Mom, Dad, and Ava!  You could see his smiles through his mask.  He was waiving and talking from start to finish.  He continued to talk about the parade for nearly an hour afterward.  It was a great day for him and wonderful for us to watch him  Those of you who went out of your way to participate, plan, scream, honk, wave, and spend the time for my little hero  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.  We will always have the memory of this day and Noah will continue to “Fight like NOAH”

His back is still hurting from the bonemarrow procedure on his spine last week.  This is the most pain we have seen him in and he has a fairly major procedure to install a port in his upper chest this next week.  He has barely been able to walk today and his poor little legs are losing muscle at a scarily fast pace.  It is hard to see the side of things that only we (Mom & Dad) see.  This is such a hard battle and Noah is being an amazing brave little man with all this.  When YOU do the things you have done for him, (Like Today) you help him (and the entire family) more than you know.  Thank you for your support, prayers, cards, and well wishes.  We love you all!

Jeff A Thompson

Here is a direct link to the parade Video.


  1. We love you all Sweetie.
    Even though we couldn’t be in the parade, we were thinking of you all, today and every day.
    We have prayer chains going from Iowa to Virginia, and now to Louisiana.
    Praying so hard that God will cure my little Hero Noah.
    We love you all so much. Thank you for sharing this. It makes my heart feel so good know how many caring people there are for you guys.

  2. What a absolutely Amazing Parade for Noah, I was actually watching it all from the boat on the lake and there was so much love and support for this Amazing Young Man, who has taken this in his stride and with smiles and a tender heart.
    Noah You are my HERO and we are all behind and with You.

    Love from Amanda and Jodi

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