Jeff Thompson

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Ava and I went to the hospital this afternoon to bring home Mom and Noah. I had tears in my eyes as we pulled up to the pick up area. Mom spotted us right away. Noah was talking a mile a minute as he jumped into the car. He was explaining to Ava all about his cancer and the type it was and the treatments and what the new rules were. He was just full of information! It feels great to have him home but we are a long ways from the finish line in this marathon. He has many medications and they have to be precicely administered as well as taken at the proper times. We have to be super careful in keeping his exposure to any virus or bacteria. The Chemo has destroyed his white blood cells and many of the future treatments will keep them low for a very long time. NO VISITORS of any kind. Even Mom, Dad and Ava must now take extra precautions to keep him safe and his envirnonment sanitary. Noah said he was afraid of loosing his hair and that people may make fun of him. I told him that we would both be bald together and no one would make fun of us. You could tell that Noah was very happy to be home. Many of our friends sent gifts for his return and he had a ball sitting in the living room getting to see what had been sent. Of Course Mom Opened each and sanitised them before Noah could touch them. Looking at him it made me feel like I had missed him for months. He just seemed so much older and more mature. We are lucky to have him home and we will carefully take each step in his long battle against this horrible form of cancer. More soon.