He is NOT cured.

Gina and I had a very long talk yesterday about comments we hear from people about Noah and his battle with Leukemia.

“He will be just fine”
“They can cure that now”
“You’ll get through it”

Truth is we just do not know.   There is NO CURE, only treatment and the treatment is poison for his body!  To kill the cancer cells he will risk damage to ALL of his major organs and his life.  He will have potential side effects on his liver, his heart, his eyes, his teeth, his kidneys and more.  Even after his TWO YEARS of treatments he will still have to return for monthly follow ups for another year or two and then yearly for the next 5 years after that. So please do not tell us there is a cure.  Do not try to reassure us he will be just fine.  We just don’t know.  All we can do is encourage him and love him and do anything and everything we can to protect him while his poor little body is nearly destroyed to eliminate this deadly disease and HOPE and PRAY with all our might that it does not return.