I don’t know where to begin! First off let me say…I hate cancer! Hate is such a strong word but I truly mean it..! Cancer took my mom from us 7 years ago and almost took my son!!
Tomorrow Noah will officially be finished with treatment!
For those who have been following Noah’s journey….thank you for all the love, support and prayers! Thank you for being our village! Thank you for always making Noah smile and feel so special through one of the toughest and isolating times in his life! Through it all…I never lost my faith…I was close to it because of the anger and hurt I had with his diagnosis but I always knew…my faith is what was going to get me through this. Thank you for staying throughout his whole journey and never losing sight of why we chose to share Noah’s journey!
Thank you to his amazing…and I truly mean AMAZING team at clinic…from check in to check out…for everything they have done for Noah. The time spent to make him laugh and smile. The time and patience they gave to me with my questions or concerns. The hugs, dances, morning stretches and food challenges that were done to make Noah smile. For always making him feel special and him looking forward to coming into clinic to see everyone. Most of all…thank you for saving my son’s life! 

If you have followed Noah’s journey from the beginning, you will know that sharing his journey was not easy for me. I was so broken with his diagnosis and even though we had so many people around us…I felt so alone. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I could possibly lose a child. We were just starting over from Jeff’s stroke from 10 months prior and the loss of our Hot Air Balloon business we had for over 15 years all during a pandemic! We had to keep distance from family and friends in order keep Noah healthy and limit exposure to germs. This was important especially for the first 6 months of his treatment which was the most intense for him because he was so very sick! It was very isolating.
Noah was just 6 years old when he was diagnosed. A carefree little boy with a cute little lisp…with the world ahead of him. He was so positive from the beginning. He did everything that was asked of him, even through days of countless tears and worries. He has grown up so much during his treatment…that sometimes he tells me that treatment is all he remembers. It breaks my heart…but 793 days is a long time and when you do something for that long…it becomes normal for you.
He has been amazingly strong throughout his whole journey! He made all his good days…outweigh the bad ones with his positive attitude. He will be the first to tell you that when he had bad days…they were really bad…but that just made him stronger!
I truly hope that Noah’s journey has helped other families going through similar journeys. I also hope it educated and brought some awareness towards childhood cancer!
I will forever advocate for Childhood Cancer! I will forever bring awareness to this horrible disease!
Noah will continue to take his weekend antibiotic for about 6 more months. It will take about that long for his counts to go back into normal range. His port will stay in for 3-6 months. He will be seen monthly in clinic to get his counts checked and to make sure everything is going smoothly.
From this point on…will be the hardest part for me personally. I will continue to worry about relapse. The security blanket of oral chemo will be gone and I have to just pray he stays in remission! The trauma is real…the PTSD exists and it will be a forever battle within…worrying about Noah and relapse.
We will celebrate Noah and his amazing fight to live and amazing fight to beat Leukemia.
Noah will ring his end of treatment bell on March 30th around 11am-ish….stay tuned to celebrate with him!