Noah still in the hospital

Still Hospital bound but in good spirits

Noah feels great. His energy is good. He hasn’t had a fever since last night. His ANC is 6. Platelets are 33. Hemoglobin is 7.1. Doctors came in and basically he is going to keep receiving antibiotics and continue being monitored right now to make sure his numbers start to go up!

I asked what they were looking for number wise and I was told that they would like to see an ANC of 100 or more, hemoglobin and platelets holding and fever free for 24 hours.
So we may be here for a while until his little body rests and gets strong enough to get those numbers up!
Jeff is bringing us a bag of clothes and stuff to last a week just in case we are here that long.
For now, we make the best of it and just be grateful that he is in good spirits and feeling good.

BTW Woody came to visit Noah again today!