So Far So Good

Today is the day after chemo.  We are prepared for a “Not so good” day today.  We have changed some of the medications for Noah’s nausea and so far it seems to be working.  He has been eating like a horse this morning.  He has eaten a whole plate of bowtie noodles with parmesan cheese and crystal hot sauce.  He then ate four beef sticks with Garlic Hotsauce for dipping.  Two glasses of Orange Juice and one bottle of water.  All morning long he has been talking about Lunch and Dinner menus.  So far he wants homemade Sushie, a Hamburger helper, Sloppy Joes, and Chicken cutlips.  (Cutlets).  He calls them Cutlips and it is so cute we hate to correct him.  So far this morning he has only mentioned being nauseous one time and has been resting comfortably.  Cross your fingers.
