Noah woke up at 5am saying he had insomnia again.

Noah woke up at 5am saying he had insomnia again. His heart was beating so fast and hard in his chest. We got up so he could get some Gatorade and he began throwing up to the point where he was dry heaving.
His sister Ava was a mess because she has Emetophobia and he was throwing up in front of her. I calmed her down and got her back into bed.
I then got Noah situated and gave him zofran. Gave him his drink to sip on and laid with him in bed. Although his energy seems great…he barely ate yesterday…! The last couple of weeks he has not had much of an appetite and has just been eating small bites of his meals….so I am pretty sure it’s the side effects of his treatment.
He said he feels fine but when he gets insomnia his heart always beats fast and hard….and he gets very nauseous. Not sure why he has so much insomnia this cycle. The only time he’s dealt with insomnia is during steroid week.
I am ready for this nightmare to be over with. I know Noah has had more good days than bad these last few months….but it’s still a rough road with the side effects and it’s just exhausting for him.
He is now back to sleep at 7:30am and I am hoping for a better day for him when he wakes up!