Noah was in tears

Noah was in tears from his nausea this evening. I gave him his anti-nausea meds and laid him down in bed. I rubbed the arches of his feet with my thumb (acupressure) and it did help his nausea some. He put on his relaxing music on YouTube and it helped him fall asleep..!

His taste is thrown off again since he started his steroid. This happened in his induction phase also. Things taste different to him from what they should taste like. His saliva tastes weird also, he says. It makes it hard for him to drink liquids because he cannot find a flavor he likes.

I hope he finds relief soon or this is going to be a very long 8 weeks for him! The support group I belong to told me this phase is rough and to prepare myself for it. Some parents said weeks 2-5 were their roughest but most said the whole cycle was just hard.

I pray Noah is different and he starts feeling better. Each kid is different and I always try and stay positive with Noah…and how his body will respond.