Noah fell asleep early tonight. He was complaining of side pain tonight. Not bad enough that we needed to call in or be seen, but just a bit uncomfortable he said. Like when he runs and gets side pain. He said his sides used to hurt in the beginning when he started treatment too. I will definitely bring it up at his next clinic check in.
But he is pretty beat from yesterday’s treatment and all tucked in for the night.
I pray this cycle isn’t too hard on his little body. I’m staying positive but have a gut feeling that this one may be a bit rough. 

I’ll be honest, the first six weeks of his treatment was just horrible. I have flashbacks of how sick and lethargic he was! How he puffed up from the steroids and would shake. Ugh! When I see him laying around feeling sick, I cannot help but to see images of him during induction. It was so hard because there was nothing I could do to take that feeling away for him. He would just want me to sit next to him and rub his feet and that’s what I did. I sat there for hours rubbing his little feet and telling him how much I love him and how strong he is!! I pray he continues to do well and never gets to that point again.