More Devistation


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There are things that come along with a leukemia diagnosis that you may not think about originally. Noah has literally no immune system. He has no tolerance for any germs at all. Even family members outside our own home will be restricted in their access to Noah for a long time to come. Now that being said, there are also more issues with the loss of his natural immunity. We now must get rid of family pets! We happen to have chickens, a bearded dragon, two dogs and a cat. The chickens must go! The bearded dragon is also going to be re homed and the cat must be watched at all times. A single scratch from the cat could land Noah back in the hospital. The dogs seem not to be a huge threat but they too will need special care. Weekly Baths are a must for them and where they can go outside will be restricted as well. So we will have many new rules around the Thompson Compound this year.