I don’t even know where to start!

Long post..!
I don’t even know where to start! But I want to thank Make-A-Wish Foundation for what they did for my son! They went above and beyond to make the perfect vacation for him and made sure he was able to do all of the activities he picked out and more!
When Noah was diagnosed with Leukemia..our world flipped upside down. For months I’ve watch my son in pain…sick to his stomach…poked…lethargic…long hospital stays getting procedures and antibiotics….receiving chemo…long blood transfusions, platlet transfusions….lumbar punctures and so much more than any parent should ever have to watch their kid endure. A feeling of helplessness…because there is nothing you can do to make them better! We were ripped apart mentally, physically and financially and since have been trying our hardest to regain everything we lost.
We’ve had to make a difficult choice to distance ourselves from loved ones and friends to limit exposure of any germ. We had to isolate from so many things just to keep Noah safe and healthy! He hit remission and entered Maintenance…which he would have to continue for a year and a half longer. We still had to take a lot of precautions due to his compromised immune system.
We found out Noah was granted his wish to Siesta Key! We were in the works of planning when Noah developed Neutropenia from his chemo. He was hospitalized for a week and I contacted make-a-wish and put his wish on hold. He went 6 months without any issues and his wish was back on! I was concerned about health and safety with Noah still being in active treatment..but they did everything possible to make sure we would have a safe and very low exposed vacation!
I cannot even put into words how grateful and amazing this foundation is! They literally coordinated the perfect, flawless and most amazing vacation for Noah! He did not stop smiling once! For the first time in 2 years….we spent time as a family doing so many fun things. For the first time in 2 years….my kids actually felt like kids!! For 5 days it felt like cancer did not exist in our lives! I watched my kids have so much fun playing and enjoying life as kids should. Noah told me this was the best time of his life! I will forever be grateful!
My heart is full! This will be a vacation we all will remember. One that I will remember with seeing how happy and full of life my kids were!