I am pushing through it mom…!

Noah’s back is still very tender but he keeps telling me “I am pushing through it mom…!” He literally amazes me. I have felt so bad since last night, knowing that I really tried everything to help with his pain and to see him in tears for probably the first time in 30 days…just tore my heart out. Today, he pushed himself to sit up and eat even in pain. He wanted to make videos for his “fans” as soon as breakfast was served to him. You guys really do help him. I read all the positive comments and messages to him you all write and send me. I read him all the cards. I show him every photo that comes through of you all wearing his bracelets. It all makes him feel so special and makes him smile even on his bad days. Seeing him happy just even if it’s in that moment, pushes me through…! As a parent, we never want to see our kids hurt or suffer in any way! With cancer…not even “mom’s” can make things feel better at times and that just hurts!! But the love and support that comes to us through this group is amazing. I know this is a long journey and eventually it may get “tiring” for some, but know you all have helped my son feel stronger and push through hard times with thinking he is a super hero…all because you make him believe he is one!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!! 🧡🧡🧡