Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September 1st begins the month for raising awareness for Childhood Cancer 🎗…!
I never thought any of my kids would ever be diagnosed with Cancer but then reality hit me hard and I soon realized Cancer can choose anyone! We went from an average happy family enjoying life to a family that is emotionally, mentally and financially damaged.
The most difficult part is having to watch our child go through the effects of cancer treatment and to not be able to take any of the sickness away! You feel helpless..all while your heart breaks having to watch them experience it.
We have had to make many life changing decisions and together have been pushing through day by day hoping none day our lives will feel normal again!!
In the last 589 days I have learned so much! As a family, we decided the best awareness we could spread was Noah’s journey! The good and the ugly! Many things we chose not to share because it is too heartbreaking and some of the worse times for Noah during treatment.
Most importantly…the positive attitude and determination Noah has shown to beat Leukemia has been amazing! Hopefully, Noah’s journey will help other families going through very similar journeys!
We also agreed to have Noah partake in a research study throughout his treatment so that they can find better ways to diagnose, treat and hopefully one day prevent cancer in kids.
We are truly thankful and blessed Noah’s body is responding to treatment…but it is still going to be a long journey for him…even after treatment!
Please try to spread awareness any way you can! Whether it’s just sharing posts, facts, stories or donating to a childhood cancer research or treatment facility.
Here is Noah sharing his story..! 🎗