Noah woke up at 1:30am very nauseous and having insomnia again. Gave him a zofran and he sipped on water for a bit. He couldn’t fall back to sleep so I let him watch a movie on his tablet. 3am he finally dozed off. Woke up at 8am saying he felt weak, shakey and dizzy.
He has been relaxing on the sofa and now says he is feeling better. Still weak and shaky but the dizziness is gone.
It is always 48 hours after his methotrexate that he begins to feel weak and shaky but not with insomnia. The insomnia usually happens when he is on his steroids (which he is not on)…and insomnia has been the biggest complaint since starting cycle 4…!
He was scheduled for a 30 day clinic visit but received a call that he will need to go into clinic for a check Wednesday the 6th because of the research protocol he is on. Puts my mind at ease because I am curious to see how his counts are. The last week and a half he has had good energy but has complained of leg pain/ weakness, shakiness and has had more nausea and insomnia complaints this cycle than the previous ones.
But so very grateful he pushes through it all and still smiles. He is amazing!