7 days ago Noah started cycle 4.

7 days ago Noah started cycle 4. Went in for a Lumbar Puncture with IT, chemo and had 5 days of his dreaded steroid dexamethasone! He still woke up this morning with leg weakness and shakiness but told me he knows his body is strong enough to ski!
My worried mommy heart just wanted to keep him in and resting but Noah told me that pushing through the hard physical stuff is just what his body needs.
I figured if he is feeling good, playing with his sister and has energy…why not let him do what makes him happy! I wasn’t sure if he would even be able to stand on the skis because of how shakey his legs were…but he proved me wrong. He got on those skis like he didn’t even miss a day of training! I was so proud of him. He even asked to take one more circle around the lake after his first one!
Tonight he took his methotrexate (chemo) along with his daily 6MP (chemo) and I hope he continues to feel good and maintain his energy! The last cycle he started he didn’t have much luck and 12 days after his procedure he had a fever of 103 and was admitted in the hospital for chemo induced Neutropenic fever. Praying for all the goodness to come to him throughout this cycle, so he can continue to smile and do what he enjoys to do!
282 days to go!